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NPI Civicos Networking - Roubaix

Address 1 Rue d'Orchies, Roubaix, France Space
Open Time Power
Owner Civicos Networking Air conditioning & Cooling
Contact +1 877-884-5650 ,N/A Standards
Data Center Introduction

Civicos Networking: NPI Civicos Networking - Roubaix

Civicos Networking NPI Civicos Networking - Roubaix is located at 1 Rue d'Orchies, Roubaix, France. The data center is 100 sqft. There is a total of 60 sqft in raised floor space for colocation. It has access to 0.8 MW of power. We found 10 data center locations within 50 miles of this facility. No certifications are specified for this location.

The Civicos Networking Data Centers are composed of several facilities dedicated to the storage, interconnection and operations of the set of systems that make our structure work. It is equipped with the latest technology in performance and safety to have an efficient, safe and powerful work environment.

NPI Civicos Roubaix is the a communications node located in Roubaix, France and hosts the cloud projects of our business clients. It's placed into a well-known international operator.

Located in a strategic location and near the neutral nodes of the Atlantic, it provides all the necessary capacity for any project in any configuration, from a simple virtual server to the most complex cloud computing environments.
